Thursday, February 2, 2012

Romance, not really!

Been to a number of weddings lately
Childhood friends, buddies and cousins
Each with a story so unique
Surprises, vows and knots
It feels right if it has to
Else consequences we may have to face to
Either way it has to be crawled to

Romance is of course over rated
We girls are forever in it gated
It forms the canvas, it forms the plot
It forms the design in our beautiful heads
Is it arts which taught us so
Is it the movies which portray so
Or is it the societal web which always demands more

The answer is never arriving
Like the chicken and the egg riddle so confusing
It is a fantasy far real
blindly accepted as ideal
Craving for every bit of it
No one knows the why and how
Anthropologists are forever in plough
Who wants to argue the right or wrong
I wonder if men also hum the same song

1 comment:

shesh_k said...

Haha! We (most men) also sure do! I mean, humming the same song. Pleasantly surprised and glad to run into these thoughtful lines! Thanks!