Excitement of counting days
Awaiting a new dress
Selecting the cake
Calling friends
Playing games
Eating chips
The schema of birthday
Simple and materialistic
laughter and fun
Years add on, making us smaller
Baking the cake of complex relations
Icing with a colorful facade
Work boils at a high temperature
Future sitting in the freezer
Love rots in the trash
Philosophies ruined the materialism
Being simple was good
Being materialistic was better
Being selfish was the best
A year older?
A year wiser?
Years add on, making us smaller
U hav a grt poet in u buddy.,wrk on random topics.,nd kudos to dis.,u deserve:-)
"Being materialistic was better..
Being selfish was the best"
gud lines.. true w.r.to human relations.
I'd love too see a like button on Blogger too... Am too lazy to keep commenting on your post, because ALL of them are awesome!
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